This is a prototype for a top-down space shooter game, started off as part of a Udemy course about 2D Game development.

Controls and Rules:

  1. Keep firing through the left mouse button or by keeping the finger on the screen. Move the ship left and right either.
  2. This game is an endless top-down shooter, so try and reach the best score!
  3. Watch out for meteorites!
  4. NEW: added an EMP bomb (does only destroy all active bullets in the scene)

Post your highscore in your comment: #beatme challenge running. Thanks for trying my game, I appreciate it, please provide any feedback or insights, it will be greatly useful for improving my skills!

NOTE: the bomb feature is currently a work in progress and might not work properly. Any bug report or feedback is appreciated!


Forsaken Defender apk (Work In Progress) 34 MB

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